Things I’m doing while I wait for the LAUNCH of This Is A Serious Book

So, there are pleeeenty of things I should be doing today as I wait for launch day (more on that later). I could be doing work WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK but I’m not. I could be cleaning the house HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA but I’m not. I could be working on my next book LAContinue reading “Things I’m doing while I wait for the LAUNCH of This Is A Serious Book”

A few interior pages

Look at this beautiful page! The face on this donkey is just priceless, don’t you think! And this one is one of my favorites: (But don’t even get me started on the number of words there are in the English language that mean the same as “fart”! Parp, pop, toot, wind, gas… shall I goContinue reading “A few interior pages”

Hooray for books!

Exciting times with the Parachini clan! We just flew to Washington, DC, for a wedding and I got my first glimpse of This is a Serious Book in an actual bookstore. I may have squealed like a mouse. And leaped around the store singing “This is my book!” And signed two copies of it withContinue reading “Hooray for books!”

This is a Serious Book (Really!)

October 11. It’s out! In the world. The real world! (Okay, only in the US, but that still counts!) My latest book is on the shelves. Or it should be, so go ask your librarian/friendly independent bookseller/kindergarten teacher for a copy! Or click on Amazon. I won’t tell. Hooray!